Wednesday, November 25, 2015

You CAN Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight! Nov 25, 2015

You CAN Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight!
By Steve Miles

Nov 25, 2015

"Don't bring a knife to a gunfight" - True. In a fight between two distant opponents outside of contact distance the gun is superior.

"Don't bring a gun to a knifefight." - False, but read closely: a pistol IS a suitable tool to use at contact distance, BUT ONLY if one is using knife-based tactics and actions to fight. In other words, parrying and counter striking with the pistol as an impact weapon, and only attempting to shoot an opponent when it's possible to do so without compromising one's defense.

Most gun instructors just don't understand the dynamics of a knife attack, so they teach ineffective single specific actions to take against a knife such as:

-Cover up head and contact shoot.
-"Speed rock."
-"Fail Safe" drop to ground and attempt to shoot upwards.

These actions are all inherently flawed because a knife attack isn't a single action, it's a series of actions. Knife attacks can include a sequence of jabs, single commited strikes, combos, grabs, punches, traps, and even fakes.

A single gun action in response to a sequence of knife actions is likely to result in trading stabs for gunshots. This is a loser for someone interested in their own survival. For one, we know that a single gunshot rarely stops the threat. And, any ER doc will tell you that knife attack victims die about three times more often than gunshot victims.

So what to do?

Learn to use your pistol like knife. Understand that "knife tactics" are really "contact range tactics" for use with any tool.


To learn more about ALIVE!™ Combatives or ALIVE! Gunfighting® contact the author Steve Miles via email to

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